Beer & Cheese. Cheese & Beer. No matter what order they come in, two of my favorite things come together in this recipe perfect for a chilly, rainy afternoon or a Sunday spent watching some football.


Pretzels with cheese dip have long been a favorite of mine. There is a beer garden down the street from where I live and they serve this massive pretzel (like feeds 4 people massive) with cheese dip. It is the perfect complement to a nice cold beer and frequently ordered for only 2 people. So when the mister was craving a pretzel and cheese the other day, the beer garden was an option until he said he was craving a beer cheese sauce. As he searched for a restaurant that had beer cheese sauce, a recipe that I saw a while back came to my mind. Glancing over it again I realized it wouldn’t take long to make and wouldn’t require us to drive 30 minutes across town to order beer cheese sauce. Even more exciting was that the mister told me he would go to the store and get the missing ingredients while I made the pretzel dough. Who could say no to that?!

