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Arugula Walnut Pesto

Appetizers, Pasta, Snacks By April 10, 2016 Tags: , , , , No Comments


This past week I had my family in town which calls for lots of time spent exploring and lots of food in my refrigerator (both of these things I have no problem with whatsoever). When it came to this weekend after everybody left though, I found myself with tons of leftovers in the fridge. As to not waste any food, I restricted myself to only eating leftovers until I go grocery shopping again. This plan led me with the realization that I would have to eat a ridiculous amount of salad and greens in a short amount of time to succeed. So to not waste anything, I saw this arugula and knew exactly what to make with it: pesto!



I have made this arugula pesto in the past due to a similar issue. A year or so ago I was house sitting for someone who had a garden and to thank me for the help I received a large bundle of arugula as payment. I was so excited until I realized that eating excess amounts of arugula is not a simple task. So once again I came to the conclusion to make pesto!


Roasted Butternut Squash and Arugula Salad

Salads By November 6, 2015 Tags: , , , 7 Comments


It snowed today. Let me repeat, it snowed today. Now I know that for a lot of people this is not a big deal, however for a girl from Florida it is a huge deal!  Well maybe not a huge deal but it is exciting for me.  Exciting and scary I should say.  This will be my first real winter. Although I have been living in Atlanta for the past two years, which is much colder compared to Florida, I think it’s safe to say that I have not experienced a real winter. I was stuck in the infamous “snowmagedon” two years ago when an ice storm hit Atlanta and the whole city literally and figuratively froze. This made the rest of the country laugh at us, but let me tell you it was scary to be in.  So here I am living in Colorado with the first light dusting of snow on November 5 and I’m ready for winter as I’ll ever be.

So I decided that heating up the oven and roasting some butternut squash was the perfect way to welcome the first snow!


Roasted butternut squash is one of my favorite fall foods. There are so many ways to use it. In soups, as a side dish, even in dessert, or in this case, in a salad.  If you have not tried it I highly recommend giving it a shot. It’s a little tricky to peel and cut but if you are careful all should go smoothly.
