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Roasted Lemon Garlic Broccoli

Uncategorized By April 17, 2016 Tags: , , , , , , 2 Comments


It has been snowing here nonstop for over 24 hours and will keep snowing for an additional 24 hours… I have to say this is Spring time like I have never experienced before. I only wish this happened during the week and not during the weekend leaving me with a strong case of cabin fever!



Luckily I knew this storm was coming and stocked up on plenty of food to cook, keeping me occupied. While I have much more exciting foods to make than broccoli, I think the broccoli just might be the unsung hero of this snowy weekend.


Arugula Walnut Pesto

Appetizers, Pasta, Snacks By April 10, 2016 Tags: , , , , No Comments


This past week I had my family in town which calls for lots of time spent exploring and lots of food in my refrigerator (both of these things I have no problem with whatsoever). When it came to this weekend after everybody left though, I found myself with tons of leftovers in the fridge. As to not waste any food, I restricted myself to only eating leftovers until I go grocery shopping again. This plan led me with the realization that I would have to eat a ridiculous amount of salad and greens in a short amount of time to succeed. So to not waste anything, I saw this arugula and knew exactly what to make with it: pesto!



I have made this arugula pesto in the past due to a similar issue. A year or so ago I was house sitting for someone who had a garden and to thank me for the help I received a large bundle of arugula as payment. I was so excited until I realized that eating excess amounts of arugula is not a simple task. So once again I came to the conclusion to make pesto!
